Project 2: Fun with Filters and Frequencies


As straight forward as it is, this project explores image processing with filters and frequencies!

1.1 Finite Difference Operator

Using the simple finite difference as the filter in the x and y directions, I compute the partial derivative in x and y of the cameraman image by convolving the image with finite difference operators D_x = [-1, 1] and D_y = [1, -1]^T using scipy.signal.convolve2d with mode='same' to ensure the dimension stay matched. Then I compute the gradient magnitude image with np.sqrt(partial_x**2 + partial_y**2) as well as its binarized form for an edge image. With some trial and error, I decided to use a threshold of 0.3.

1.2 Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

The result from a simple finite difference operator is rather noisy with all the non-continuous ticks. There are two approaches to enhance the result which leads to the same result (theoretically). The idea is that convolution is associative, thus it does the same job whether we convolve twice or just use the derivative of Gaussian as the filter.

  1. Blur the image with a Gaussian filter before applying finite difference operator
  2. Apply finite difference operator on Gaussian filter, then convolve the image with this derivative of Gaussian (DoG) filter

Method 1 Results: To obtaining the edge image, I used a threshold of 0.13. It goes without saying that the image under Gaussian blurring filter has a better quality. The edges are thicker, smoother, and more clear.

Method 2 Results: In this approach, I convolved the Gaussian filter with finite difference operator first to obtain the derivative of gaussian filter (DoG). Then I applied the DoG filter to the original image directly, which leads to the same result other than some minor noise likely due to the paramaters used in scipy.signal.convolve2d and the size of gaussian filter. I would say they are essentially the same and there are no practically difference at least in this example.

2.1 Image Sharpening

I use a low pass and a high pass filter to retains only the low and high frequencies respectively. With these two filters, I am able to combine this into a single convolution operation which is called the unsharp mask filter. The intuition is simple: we can add a some more high frequencies to the image to make it looks sharper, where the strength is determine by alpha.

The very last image in this subsection explores a different approach in attempt to evaluate this sharpening method. I first blurred the image with a classic gaussian filter before applying the unsharp mask filter. The result of the sharpened blurred image is better than blurred image but not as good as the original overall. This is expected because the high frequencies are added to the edges, and blurring can remove some of small edges that are not recoverable by the unsharp mask filter.

2.2: Hybrid Images

Background: Hybrid images are static images that change in interpretation as a function of the viewing distance. The idea is that high frequency tends to dominate perception when it is available, but, at a distance, only the low frequency part of the signal can be seen. By blending the high frequency portion of one image with the low-frequency portion of another image, we can obtain a hybrid image that leads to different interpretations at different distances.

The left two images Nutmeg and Derek are original inputs. I first rotate Nutmeg based on Derek for alignment since it affects the perceptual grouping. Next, I convert the aligned images to gray scale before blending for hybrid image. Finally, I attempt to blend each channels separately and put them back together for a colored hybrid image.

I try to apply the same technique to images below. Initially, I thought the merge will go well since there are no alignment needed and the only difference is the season. However, the simple implementation fail in this case. I suspect it is because the images don't have a single "main subject" and the image is too big. There are too many signals and therefore noise in the original image.

Below, I try to hybrid emoji's with different emotions. It was inspired by the suggestion: change of expression. However, the result was not ideal. When look from afar, low frequency image dominate which is desired. However, when looking closely at the hybrid image, I can see the high frequencies component but the low frequencies also stands out. This is likely due to the minimal high frequency signals in emoji.

Lastly, I tried to blend two game characters that have similar appearance, and I am quite happy with the result. In fact, this is what I perceived to be the best result out of the three attempts here. I also provide a quick frequency analysis with respect to this result.

2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

In the figures below, I implement both Gaussian and Laplacian stack to the Apple and Orange, where min-max normalization is applied to Laplacian stack for visualization.

Replication of Figure 3.42 at different levels of the Normalized Laplacian Stack. It goes from level 0, 2, 4 to collapse Oraple. The middle strip in each individual fruit is due to a small blending window, which I choose to be the middle 16% of the image. One can always extend to a larger window based on need.

2.4: Multiresolution Blending

For the same type of masking, I reused a failure example in merging section. It appears to be a perfect example in blending!

Next, I try a circular mask, which didn't work in the way I expected. The mask function can definitely be improved instead of using the default binary circular mask from the cv2 library.